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Registering a nickname in IRC

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Registering a nickname in IRC

Registering a nickname prevents others from using your nickname and gives you access to the #MLG channel.

Enter your desired nickname (preferably your Minecraft or forum username), and click connect. (Don't check the box "login to services.") Instructions are below the chat window

Instructions to register:

Send a MSG to NickServ consisting of "REGISTER password e-mail", replacing 'password' with your desired password and 'e-mail' with your e-mail address:
/MSG NickServ REGISTER mypassword myemail@mail.com
Once you issue the registration command, NickServ will send an email to the address you provided. In the email is a command in the format of "/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER YourRegisteredNick SomeRandomNumbers". In order to finish registration, copy & paste the command from the email into the webchat above.

After you have finished this, you may return to the Tech Fortress IRC. If you already have it open, refresh the page so you can reconnect with your registered nick. Make sure you check the box "I have a password" and enter your password there before connecting.

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